Lo, I Am With You Always - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Lo, I Am With You Always - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Snapshots of Jesus - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Ezra's Audience - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Three Types of Faith - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Spiritual Vitamins - Brett Petrillo
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
The Church from Three Perspectives - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Finding Favor in the Sight of God and Men: Proverbs 3 - Michael Hite
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Seven Billion to One - Neal Pollard
This audio presentation is provided from the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the church her please visit www.bearvalleycofc.org.
Mark - Truly This Man was the Son of God (Toby Soechting)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Does Mark 16:9-20 Belong in the Text (Denny Petrillo)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - The Women in the Distance (Jodie Duke)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 16 (Jeff Jenkins)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 15 (Robert Oglesby)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 14 (Wayne Jones)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 13 (Donnie Bates)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - The Master of the Wind and Sea (Brad Harrub)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - The Syrophoenician Woman (Tracie Shannon)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - The Lady with the 12 Year Trial (Jodie Duke)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 12 (Rick Walker)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 11 (Marty Kessler)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 10 (Randy Martin)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 9 (Dale Jenkins)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Herodias, No Heroine (Tracie Shannon)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - The Synoptic Problem: The Priority of Mark (Mark Hanstein)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 8 (Michael Hite)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 7 (Wayne Nelson)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 6 (Steve Higginbotham)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 5 (Jason Moon)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 4 (David Hines)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 3 (Russell Bell)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 2 (David Powell)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark - Chapter 1 (Dave Chamberlin)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus? A Detailed Study of the Gospel of Mark
The One Who Can Forgive Sins (David Shannon)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures - Who Is This Jesus?
Overview of Mark (Neal Pollard)
2011 Bear Valley Lectures
Be Still and Know That I Am God - Jason Jackson
Empowered by the Awesomeness of God - Jason Jackson
Your Next Step: Do You Know What It Is? - Jason Jackson
Discover the Power of New Beginnings - Jason Jackson
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
What is Your Relationship with the Church? (Wayne Burger)
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
How to Become a Member of the Church (Wayne Nelson)
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church and Its Leadership (Wayne Roberts)
SECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church and Denominationalism (Brett Petrillo)
Lesson 11: I AM the True Vine - Michael Hite
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 15, "I AM the True Vine". These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church and Its Work (Will Hanstein)
Lesson 10: I AM the Truth and the Life - Michael Hite
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 14, "I AM the Truth and the Life". These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church and Its Worship (Dan Owen)
Lesson 9: I AM the Way - Michael Hite
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 13-14, "I AM the Way". These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
Lesson 8: I AM the Resurrection and the Life (Part 2) - Michael Hite
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 11, "I AM the resurrection and the life" - Part 2. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church is a Family (Bill Stewart)
Lesson 7: I AM the Resurrection and the Life (Part 1) - Michael Hite
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 11, "I AM the resurrection and the life" - Part 1. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church is a Body (Mark Hanstein)
Lesson 6: I AM the Good Shepherd (Michael Hite)
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 10, "I AM the good shepherd." These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church is the Kingdom - Michael Hite
Lesson 5: I AM the Door of the sheep (Michael Hite)
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is from John 10, but covers the background from John 9 as well. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
Lesson 4: I AM the Bread of Life - Part 2 (Michael Hite)
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson is Part 2 and comes from John 6. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
Lesson 3: I AM the Bread of Life - Part 1 (Michael Hite)
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson comes from John 6. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
Lesson 2: I AM the Light of the World (Michael Hite)
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tonight's lesson comes from John 8 and 9. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
Lesson 1: The I AM Statements of Jesus INTRO (Michael Hite)
This is a study of the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. These presentations are part of the Wednesday night adult Bible classes at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
Lesson 4: The Church is the Bride of Christ (Denny Petrillo)
SPECIAL SERIES: Identifying the New Testament Church
The Church Established (Bob Turner)